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Music Courses
Flute is one of the oldest members of the woodwind family. The soft, sweet and melodious sound of the flute, which is widely used in different musical genres, fascinates everyone who listen to it here.
Piano keys are black and white, but they sound like millions of colors in your mind.
Clarinet is one of the members of the woodwind family. Besides having a very soft and round tone, it can also have a fun and cool structure! You can meet at Panorama Art Academy which member of the clarinet family you want to meet and spend time with.
Singing is an easy and fun activity, but there are some techniques that need to be applied in order for your unique voice to nourish your soul and make the song its best.
If you have always had a passion for singing or wanted to sing a melody you heard..
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Exam Preparation
Konservatuvar sınavlarına uzman eğitimci kadromuz ile beraber hazırlanın
Faculty of Music Education
Müzik eğitim fakülteleri için hazırlık dersleri konusunda uzman hocalarımızla, bire bir yapılmaktadır.
Faculty of Fine Arts
Güzel sanatlar fakülteleri için dersler, öğrencinin seviyesine göre kişiye özel olarak uygulanır.
Bando Okulları
Milli Savunma Üniversitesi Bando Astsubay Meslek Yüksek Okulu yetenek sınavlarına yönelik kişiye özel eğitim imkanı